A Writers Muirsings: Introduction
I don't do blogs, I'll never tweet, and I have MySpace right here, thank you very much.
I do concede to being on Facebook however, but that's because it's an easy way to keep in touch with friends, family, various musicians and related FB music sites.
Full blown blogs are fine and dandy for those that can, or wish to, post almost every day and have the time to reply to any comments, but that's not me.
If you want to Twitter on about how many sugars you just put in your coffee or what celebrity just walked past you at that exact moment, that's fine – but that's not for me.
I'm happier throwing up the occasional 'Muirsing' on FabricationsHQ, where they can be deleted as they become out of date, or maybe even revisited as time and circumstance dictate.
Hence this section for some of the non-muirsical commentaries that I write (although music related pieces may turn up here from tme to time).
They may appear only every other month or so, or two may turn up at once.
So, welcome to 'A Writers Muirsings' – a blog page, if I'm honest.
But one that will never be open 24/7.
I don't do blogs, I'll never tweet, and I have MySpace right here, thank you very much.
I do concede to being on Facebook however, but that's because it's an easy way to keep in touch with friends, family, various musicians and related FB music sites.
Full blown blogs are fine and dandy for those that can, or wish to, post almost every day and have the time to reply to any comments, but that's not me.
If you want to Twitter on about how many sugars you just put in your coffee or what celebrity just walked past you at that exact moment, that's fine – but that's not for me.
I'm happier throwing up the occasional 'Muirsing' on FabricationsHQ, where they can be deleted as they become out of date, or maybe even revisited as time and circumstance dictate.
Hence this section for some of the non-muirsical commentaries that I write (although music related pieces may turn up here from tme to time).
They may appear only every other month or so, or two may turn up at once.
So, welcome to 'A Writers Muirsings' – a blog page, if I'm honest.
But one that will never be open 24/7.